Rabu, 12 Juni 2013

Roudlotun Nisa'

this is my friend. Roudlotun name Nisa '. call nisa '. she lived in Ngawen. she was the second of three brothers. her girlish joy promotion boyfriend.

Sabtu, 08 Juni 2013

Intan Zuhriyah Yahya

this is my friend. Intan Zuhriyah name Yahya. Intan vocation. he lived in sambipondok. he was the only child of the brothers. her tomboyish child, his hobby is dating exactly with Lail.

quite so mature suwun

Rabu, 29 Mei 2013

Intan Fajriyatus Sholihah

This we were good friends, cute, cute. her name Intan Fajriyatus Sholihah,nickname is Intan. his hobby is not clear shape drawing and painting my hands (Emi). he lived in the city Asempapak.

Rokhmatul Jannah

This is also my friend. Rohmatul Jannah  name, nickname Ana. her son funny, kind and smart. he lived in wadeng. He has a pair of eyes that slanted, white.

Dewi Oktaviana

This is my friend. named DEWI OKTAVIANA, nicknamed Via. her son Balung Panggang. lived in the village ponpes Mriyunan. hobby for trouble. hohohohohoho
like stubborn child and patiently bread

Kamis, 23 Mei 2013

Roudhotus Sholikha

This my friend roudlotus sholihah.nama full name calling idho.dia born on 2 August 1998.she  lived in Asemmanis.her hobby the mirror, the mirror, and the mirror.
he is no champion. 1 race cerewet.dia the third of three brothers

Islamiyah Nur Jannah

This is a rare human being, heheheheh
name length Nurjannah Islamiyah, calling iis. female he likes the mirror and scream with excessive tone,
he lived in surowo women, women she usually help their parents sell peanuts in the classroom and wait for their parents shop. till not remember sir masykur.hehehehehe